/ Plaisa noun/ Iluba, Huā, Fleur, Flower
The new blooming flower in the Rotary garden. We are a charter (child) club of Rotary Club of Maluba. In line with Rotary International’s goal to grow Rotary, RC Palisa Lusaka was formed from the Palisa Satellite Club of Maluba, and chartered on the 22nd of June 2023, therefore, we are an extension of Rotary International whose purpose is to bring together individuals as well as business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. Palisa is a twenty-first century chartered club that has a great team of fast movers, we want to live by that name throughout the implementation of our projects.
We took into consideration the link with the mother club, Maluba. We had a vision to grow Maluba through a stand-alone club. As a Satellite club, it was OK to have the name Maluba, but as an independent club, we decided to retain the name Maluba but in another language, and Palisa was adopted. Palisa means Maluba or Flower. Remember, we even looked at the spelling. In Botswana it's Palesa so we were told, but being in Zambia, we agreed to use the local spelling.
The charter members of RC Palisa were inducted and introduced during the Charter and Installation night on the 18h of August, 2023 at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel. This team was introduced during the installation night led by Club President, Lee Anne Singh and President Elect Connie Karuku.
As part of Rotary International, RC Palisa is guided by the yearly themes of Rotary International in helping the community it exists. The theme for the year 2023 - 2024 is to “Create hope in the world”. Rotary’s areas of focus are; Supporting the environment, peace building and conflict resolution, maternal and child health, community economic development , water sanitation and hygiene, disease prevention and treatment, basic education and literacy. During this rotary year, RC Palisa is embarking on supporting the clubs Cervical Cancer Screening Project and the State Lodge Primary School's Environmental Conservation Project.
1. It is truth?
2. Is it fair to all who are concerned?
3. Will it build good will and better relationships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Joining Rotary is about making a difference, power of the team, putting others first, doing good in the world, Friendship and fun. Rotarians are people who like working with communities. The process always starts by invitation so as to allow you the opportunity to join a club that best fits your passion and perspective. This is an easy 7 step process:
Our 1.4 million members join community leaders, friends, and partners in a global network that is addressing challenges around the world.
Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best can be traced back to the early days of the organization.
In 1979, Rotary began a project to immunize six million children against polio in the Philippines. The effort’s success led to Rotary making polio eradication its top priority.
Rotary’s global expansion began early. The chartering of the Rotary Club of Montevideo, Uruguay, in February 1919 brought Rotary to South America.
Rotary’s archives include tens of thousands of photos, recordings, publications, and artifacts that preserve our legacy. Are you conducting research? Members of Rotary, Rotary staff, and the public may visit the archives by appointment. Learn more about what we collect, what we can do for you.